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EYCN delegate assembly – Lontoo, Iso-Britannia 28.-31.1.2024

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Finnish Chemical Societies

Dear colleague,

You are cordially invited to attend symposium ”Emerging targets and molecules in middle space”, jointly organized by the Finnish Synthetic Chemistry Society, the Medicinal Chemistry Committee of the Finnish Pharmaceutical Society (FinMedChem) and the Finnish Peptide Society (FIPS). The symposium will be held in Helsinki on August 24-27, 2015. The venue is the small hall (Pieni juhlasali) at the main building of the University of Helsinki (Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki).

The main themes of the symposium are: synthetic and medicinal chemistry, emerging targets in CNS diseases, macrocycles in drug space, green chemistry and green medicinal chemistry, peptides as drugs and natural peptides.

The registration and more information can be found on http://finmedchem.fi/.

Looking forward to seeing you att the exciting symposium,

Kristiina Wähälä, chair of the FinMedChem (kristina.wahala@helsinki.fi)
Ari Koskinen, chair of the Finnish Synthetic Chemistry Society
Hannu Koistinen, chair of the FIPS