Finnish Chemical Societies
Finland has three chemical societies: Finnish Chemical Society (Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura, SKS), Chemical Society of Finland (Finska Kemistsamfundet, FKS) and Finnish Society of Chemical Engineers (Kemiallisteknillinen Yhdistys, KTY). While the three societies operate as independent parallel organizations, it has been agreed that joint responsibilities will be held by Finnish Chemical Society. This applies to official international contacts, so in international context the name of Finnish Chemical Society is to be used.
Finnish National Committee for Chemistry coordinates international activities and represents Finland in international organizations. The three societies maintain close contact with their Nordic counterparts.
Finnish Chemical Societies
Finland has three chemical societies: Finnish Chemical Society (Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura, SKS), Chemical Society of Finland (Finska Kemistsamfundet, FKS) and Finnish Society of Chemical Engineers (Kemiallisteknillinen Yhdistys, KTY). While the three societies operate as independent parallel organizations, it has been agreed that joint responsibilities will be held by Finnish Chemical Society. This applies to official international contacts, so in international context the name of Finnish Chemical Society is to be used.
Finnish National Committee for Chemistry coordinates international activities and represents Finland in international organizations. The three societies maintain close contact with their Nordic counterparts.