MSc Thesis Award

The Section for Computational Chemistry annually awards one Master’s level work (Pro Gradu / MSc thesis) that best represents Finnish computational chemistry research. The winner is selected by the board of the section. 

Application period for the 2023 award

The 2023 MSc Thesis award will be given to a MSc thesis approved between 1.9.2022-31.8.2023. The nominations must be sent by 31.10.2023.

Instructions for applying

The nomination is done by the thesis supervisor with a short justification via email to secretary of the section (see yhteystiedot ). Electronic version of the Master’s thesis and a scanned copy of the certificate indicating the grade of the work should be attached to the application. If the thesis is available online, sending the certificate is not necessary! The student can also apply for the award themselves and in this case also a short cover letter should be attached to the application. The Master’s degree does not have to be completed to be eligible to apply for the award.

Distribution of the Prize

The award is handed out in the annual meeting of the section in December in Helsinki. If the awardee cannot participate the annual meeting, the award will be delivered by other means. The section does not reimburse the travel costs to the annual meeting. The exact time of the meeting will be announced later.