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Finnish Chemical Societies

Today, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) announces the forthcoming retirement of its Executive Director, Dr. Lynn M. Soby, at the end of this year and the immediate initiation of a search for her successor.

“To everything there is a season,” said IUPAC President, Prof. Javier García-Martínez. “The transition from one to the next is marked by happy memories of what has passed and anticipation of what is to come. It is with these emotions and a deep sense of gratitude that I announce the retirement of IUPAC Executive Director, Dr. Lynn M. Soby, who has served the Union since July 2014. While it is difficult to imagine IUPAC without Lynn at the helm, both she and the Executive Committee believe that now is a good time for someone who will help us create a more agile and effective organization while continuing to actively meet the global challenges that face the practice of chemical research in today’s digital environment. I ask that the global scientific community thank Lynn for her many contributions, her excellent leadership, and wish her joy and good health in her retirement. A new season begins for her – and for IUPAC.”

A search committee has been established and will immediately begin the recruitment process with the goal of announcing the appointment of a new Executive Director in the fall of this year.

Briefly, the new Executive Director will work collaboratively with the elected officers of the Union, reporting through the Secretary General and the Treasurer to the President, Executive Committee, Bureau, and Council to carry out the duties of the organization. The Secretariat is based in Research Triangle Park, NC, U.S.A., and consists of a staff of three working on-site and an Associate Director located at Boston University (see https://iupac.org/who-we-are/secretariat/). Remote work may be considered, but time at the Secretariat will also be needed. International travel is required.

The Executive Director is responsible for:
– the overall administration of the business of the Union;
– management of the Secretariat office and fostering of a positive and productive workplace and organizational culture that promotes excellence and the standing of the Union;
– evaluation and review of the performance of all salaried employees of the Union;
– preparation of an annual budget and oversight of the Union’s finances;
– collaboration with and provision of support for the officers and governing bodies of the Union;
– interaction with fifty-four National Adhering Organizations that comprise the Union;
– promulgation of the policies established by the Council, Bureau, Standing Committees, and Divisions;
– representation of the Union, as appropriate, with academia, government, industry, the nonprofit world, and the general public;
– assurance that organization of biennial General Assemblies and Congresses is carried out effectively by the host nation/society;
– oversight for publications, including Pure and Applied ChemistryChemistry InternationalChemistry Teacher International, and a variety of monographs and white papers on chemical and scientific standards.

Required Qualifications:
The successful candidate will have gained an advanced degree in a scientific or technical discipline and have at least ten years relevant experience through which he/she will have demonstrated:
– exceptional leadership and interpersonal skills;
– the ability to communicate effectively and diplomatically with scientific leaders throughout the world;
– a sensitivity to the collaborative nature of an organization whose work relies on a global network of volunteers;
– the ability to motivate and inspire others in a small delocalized team;
– the ability to organize, manage, recruit and interact effectively with workers in a small office environment;
– the ability to formulate and execute the IUPAC budget (currently ~USD 1.5 million annually);
– a proven track record in project management;
– proficiency in the use of modern business software; effective problem solving skills;
– a spirit of innovation and creativity.

Preference will be given to candidates who can show in addition: a meaningful background in the management of science and technology; experience with business/systems analysis, strategic planning, the implementation of plans, and their ongoing evaluation; and experience in fundraising.

IUPAC offers a competitive salary and an attractive benefit package which is commensurate with the responsibility of the position. The specific conditions will be adapted to the local situation if the place of employment will be outside of the USA.
A short job description is available HERE.
A more detailed job description is posted HERE.

Interested applicants are asked to send their applications, including CVs and the names and contact details of three references, by e-mail to rhartshorn@iupac.org by 30 April 2022.