Writings on topical issues in the chemical and biotechnology

Read Markus Metsälä's article on Optical spectroscopy and imaging and other articles on the ChemBion website.

The third issue of EuChemS Magazine Plus!

Take a look at the third issue of EuChemS Magazine Plus!

EuChemS Magazine

Last year, it was already announced that EuChemS will restyle its newsletters, meaning that the Brussels News Updates (BNU) and Chemistry in Europe would cease to exist at the beginning of this year. At the same time, a new newsletter called EuChemS Magazine, has been...

IUPAC Elections for the 2024-2025 Term

Every two years, IUPAC holds an election for its officers and committee members. Any qualified individual who is interested in being nominated is invited to contact his/her National Adhering Organization (NAO) and/or the current committee officers. Details on the call...


Finnish Chemical Societies

EFCE has decided to organize an online EFCE Forum event on 22 April 2021. The EFCE Early Career Engineers’ Forum will feature networking opportunities as well as best practice exchange on activities targeting engineers at the start of their careers.
The EFCE Early Career Engineers’ Forum will contain a plenary style webinar showcasing activities by EFCE or its EFCE Member Societies targeting young professionals. In addition, a workshop style web event on opportunities for (local) young professional events and a workshop targeting the formation of an EFCE Early Career Engineers’ initiative on sustainability will be held.
More details are given in the attached announcement.
